Saturday, December 4, 2010

What is Software Testing:

Software Testing: 1) Set of activities performed / conducted with the intent to identify errors
within the software
                                                  Dr. Proff. Watts S. Humphrey

Objectives of Software Testing:
A.     Identification of errors
B.     To ensure the correctness of the software prior to its release
C.     To ensure the optimal quality of the software prior to its release
D.     To increase customer satisfaction & build up confidence
E.      To increase market reputation
F.      To ensure the conservation of financial investment that have been made in the development of the software
G.     To ensure the fulfillment of the identified Business Objective of the product

                                       i.      Simplification of the procedural complexities
                                     ii.      Reduction in the operational time of a business process
                                    iii.      Lesser probability of commencement of errors
                                   iv.      Ubiquitous & runtime availability of the information
                                     v.      Facilitation to the aspects of decision making
                                   vi.      Relative lesser (early) Return On Investment (ROI)

ROI: Period that identifies the profitable aspects of software / products

1st Floor, 624 Tonk Road (Above Apex Automobiles), Tonk Phatak
Near Krishna Mall, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
+91-9785022310, 0141-3143687

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